Do I Have Mice in My Home?

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With winter weather in full swing in New England, mice are looking for anywhere to stay warm, including your home. Mice are sneaky pests in the sense that they can find their way in through any gaps or holes. Besides seeing mice, here are a few things to look for that could suggest an infestation:

  • Look for nesting materials such as newspapers or random items.
  • When mice are travelling from spot to spot, they will leave behind dirt marks along your baseboards.
  • Mice will chew through any sort of bags or containers with food so look for chew marks. They may also leave a trail of food from the source to their nesting location.
  • Since mice are nocturnal pests, you can expect most of their roaming and damaging to be done between 10pm and 5am.
  • The most obvious thing to look for are mice droppings. Their droppings are small pellets that are oblong and are usually less than 1/32” in diameter.

If you notice any of these things and suspect you have some uninvited guests, contact Ultrafast Pest Control today! Stay mice free by contacting us at 781-894-7700 or by filling out our contact form.

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